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Stub for general description. The Coleoptera Anatomy Ontology (ColAO) ...

This site

The site is navigable through the links found on all pages:

  • search - The search box allows you to search through the anatomical concepts, both through the labels that reference them ("e.g. head") or the words used in their definitions (e.g. "The aorta that is connected to the head").
  • analyze - This tool allows researchers who describe or otherwise reference the anatomy of coleopterans to match their word usage against the ontology. A downloadable analysis is produced, including Universal Resource Identifers (URIs) that point to annatomical concepts.
  • give feedback - A form to provide feedback to the curators, including suggestions for new concepts or usages of labels, or just general comments.
  • references - A list of nearly all the references tied to the data in the ontology. If you have a reference that you would like to include, please send it to us.
  • terms - A list of all the words used in coleopteran anatomy presently captured in the Coleoptera Anatomy Ontology. If your term is not on this list please send it to us along with a reference that uses it.
  • tree - An experimental browser for the ontology in the form of an expandible list.
  • parts - A specialized search that uses the part_of properties to return all the parts of a given annatomical structure. For example you can ask for "all the parts of the head".
  • pulse - A RSS feed that documents the ongoing changes to the underlying Coleoptera Anatomy Ontology database.
  • about/how to cite - These pages.

How to cite

[STUB for paper] doi: XXXXX
The Coleoptera Anatonym Ontology Franz, Smith, Johnston et al. . Accessed on Sat Jul 27 03:29:04 -0500 2024. Available at STUB FOR LINK TO THIS PAGE.
Individual ColAO Anatomy Ontology Concepts:See URIs through - more detail - links.